

Welcome to the website of the registered association Nanzenbach! Das Dorf.

According to our motto “Being aware of our traditions and yet open-minded about the new”, on this website you can find information about the work of our association, our village, as well as current information about the ongoing “village development process”.

With 1,424 ha Nanzenbach is the largest and with 1,129 inhabitants at the same time the smallest part of the town of Dillenburg. It is situated in the Lahn-Dill-Kreis (district).

A characteristic of Nanzenbach is its main street. Being nearly totally destroyed in the year 1772, Nanzenbach was re-erected according to the plans of the master builder Terlinden.

Nanzenbach is beautifully situated in-between two ridges in the valley of the Nanzenbach brook in the middle of the Schelder Wald (Schelder forest). Visitors get an impressive view on the surrounding hills and mountains.

We wish you a pleasant stay on our website and look forward to welcoming you soon in our beautiful village.

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