Our Vision for 2025

Nanzenbach is an attractive place to live for all generations. With the help of the “village development process/program”, we have not only been able to sustain the exiting offers but to create new ones. The kindergarten and the primary school stayed in Nanzenbach and therefore the village is especially interesting for young families with children. Attractive play areas as well as the versatile facilities at the new-build “Pulverich” complete these offers. They are a great gain for children and teenagers. In combination with the neighbouring “exercise area” for elderly people, we have created an active meeting point for the inhabitants of Nanzenbach as well as our guests.

The close-by community centre offers more space and opportunities for additional usages. Here, we have created the missing meeting place that is home for a bistro, a room for teenagers, exhibition space for local (historical) items and a small library. Furthermore, a multifunctional room has been created. It is used for office hours of the citizen centre, a part-time doctor’s office and much more.

The fire fighters also benefited from the renovation and extension and now have more modern and better suiting rooms at their disposal.

With the support of the “village development process/program”, we have been able to renovate and sell or let some unoccupied houses. Not only because of the many discussions on the “village development process/program”, have we been able to improve the internal and external perception of our village. Young families stay in Nanzenbach and raise their children here. We have even had some migration to Nanzenbach. The high-performance telecommunication infrastructure, we realised very early and all by ourselves does play an important role here as well.

A bicycle path connects us with Dillenburg. So, we are less dependent on our own car or the public bus service to use the offers of the town.

We have been able to improve the traffic security inside Nanzenbach by traffic calming facilities. Beautiful green areas, renovated fountains as well as the recreated village square represent home and identity for us and contribute to our quality of life.

In addition to that, we have been able to sustain our local dialect. Because of the created meeting places, there is more exchange among the inhabitants of our village. This has supported our community and has helped us to sustain our own character.

The awareness of our traditions combined with our open-mindedness for new developments is also appreciated by tourists that pass Nanzenbach on one of the hiking trails. The appealing image of Nanzenbach, the welcoming meeting places and last not least the hospitality of the inhabitants invite to stay for a while – either in the bistro or the mobile snack-bar along the hiking trails that the inhabitants manage on their own.